
Home Stakeholder Stakeholder Communication Channel

Stakeholder Communication Channel


Importance of stakeholders to our company

Communication Channel


Communication effectiveness


Shareholders/investors are the holders of the company's stock, and Croslene must be responsible to them.

  • Investor conference

  • Shareholders' meeting

  • E-mail
  • Annual

  • Irregularly

  1. Monthly consolidated revenue by product is voluntarily disclosed.

  2. An annual investor conference is held to help investors understand the company's overall operations.

  3. The English versions of the company's shareholder meeting handbook, annual shareholder meeting report, and minutes are published for investors' reference.


Employees are the backbone of a company's sustainable operation and the driving force behind its long-term growth.

  • E-mail

  • Phone

  • Website

  • Labor-management meeting

  • Negotiation meeting

  • Immediately

  • Bimonthly

  • Irregularly
  1. Develop individual development plans based on employees' individual work needs, performance evaluation results, and career development needs.

  2. Hold regular labor-management communication meetings.

  3. Establish an occupational safety and health committee, obtain ISO 45001 occupational safety and health management system certification, and actively implement relevant occupational safety and health regulations.

  4. Pass ISO 14001 environmental management system certification.


A reliable network of suppliers and contractors is an indispensable part of the growth of Julin's products and services.

  • E-mail

  • Phone

  • ESG suppliers communiction
  • Training
  • Questionnaire
  • Supplier window: Administrative Department Purchasing Section
  • Contractor window: Plant Department Purchasing
  • Immediately
  • Annually
  • Irregularly
  • Key account management, regular factory visits and audits


  1. Require suppliers to comply with environmental, health and safety (EHS) and quality management policies through factory visits and audit measures, and include them in the reference for the evaluation of excellent enterprises.

  2. Implement green procurement management through an electronic procurement system, and reduce and reuse packaging materials in the supply chain to minimize the negative impact on the environment.

  3. Require contractors to comply with relevant regulations through the EHS management system.


Promptly addressing customer concerns and maintaining positive customer interactions is the foundation of sustainable business operations and the key to business growth.

  • E-mail
  • Phone
  • Message app
  • Meeting (in person/online)
  • Website

  • Customer complaint reception/handling window: Sales Department/Quality Assurance Department

  • Daily

  • As customer's need

  • Immediately

  • Irregularly
  1. Dedicated sales department providing customer consultation services: Our company's sales department maintains good communication with customers and can effectively respond to customer issues and market information.

  2. Customers are also willing to help and provide feedback to us regarding the difficulties we encounter due to various considerations, resulting in an overall positive relationship.

  3. Conducting customer satisfaction surveys regularly and providing specific improvement plans and suggestions for items that do not meet customer expectations.

Financial institution

Banks offer loans to individuals and businesses.

  • E-mail

  • Phone

  • Irregularly

Regularly provide financial statements, including auditor-certified reports, for bank review.

Government agencies


  • National Taxation Bureau: Tax payment is a company's social responsibility. Our company acts in good faith and honestly pays all taxes, and is subject to inspection and supervision by the National Taxation Bureau.
  • Environmental Protection Bureau: The regulatory body overseeing environmental protection.
  • Energy Administration: The governing body responsible for energy management."

  • E-mail

  • Government document

  • Phone

  • Public hearing/Press conference
  • Meeting

  • Inspection

  • Immediately

  • Irregularly
  1. Cooperate with the National Tax Administration's audits and inspections, and provide accurate answers to their inquiries.

  2. Hold regular environmental, health, and safety (EHS) committee meetings every quarter.

  3. Hold regular production and sales, liaison, management, and cross-departmental meetings.

  4. Communicate with immediate supervisors regularly.

  5. Hold regular employee benefits committee meetings every month.

Local community

As a valued member of the local community, Julin aspires to give back to society and create a brighter future through its endeavors.

  • Phone

  • Stakeholder Forum

  • Immediately

  • Irregularly

Establish a comprehensive identification, registration, and evaluation mechanism for environmental regulations. If there are new regulations or inconsistencies, take immediate improvement and preventive measures.

Business partners

Business partners can effectively assist our company in understanding new markets, developing emerging markets (often used to stabilize overseas customers), product OEM, or technology exchange and promotion.

  • E-mail

  • Phone

  • Message app

  • Meeting (in person/online)

  • Shareholder's meeting

  • ESG suppliers communiction

  • Training

  • Questionnaire

  • 3-5 times weekly

  • Annually

  • Immediately

  • Irregularly

  1. The company discloses consolidated revenue by product category.

  2. Regular online meetings, phone calls, and surveys facilitate closer communication between the company and its business partners, such as distributors, enabling accurate feedback on customer information.


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